The Club 95 members are an exclusive group of Bulls Masters supporters who invest in the vision and programs that the Bulls Masters roll out. It’s only fitting that we get to make a fuss of them and provide experiences that are worthy of their support.
It’s becoming a tradition to host the Late Lunch at Suncorp Stadium on the Wednesday of State of Origin one. We begin in the change-rooms with a state of origin legend to tell us about the experience of game day. This year it was Chris “Choppy” Close.

Choppy was man of the match in the first two State of Origin games back in 1980 and 1981 and he is part of the very fabric that Origin was built on. He spoke with a passion that made the hairs on your neck stand up.
Choppy had a special surprise for us when we went out onto the field and played his top five Origin memories on the big screen and had the great man describe the experiences to the Club 95 members. From Artie Beetson running out of the tunnel, to pushing Eric Grothe away from Colin Scott to pick the ball up from dummy half and score… this was truly a great honour to be involved in such special memories for all Queenslanders.

Then we headed upstairs for an evening of celebration. As always we focus on the achievements of Queensland over the past 12 months and promote the wonderful sporting stories that come out of our great state.
We also speak to some of our members and understand more about them. It was great to hear about some of the wonderful success stories that our members shared, particularly member #76 Dr Karen Stanton who is the Director of Heat Treatment Australia (HTA).
Karen has built HTA into a global player in the aero-space technology. HTA are involved in many impressive endeavours including building strong landing gear for airplanes.

A big thanks to Club 95 member #84 Alan Graham who hosted us at Suncorp Stadium. The event was capped off by the mighty Queensland Maroons winning game one!
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