Bulls Masters and Vintage Reds Fundraiser
Rugby, cricket, horse racing and war journalism collided for this stellar afternoon of entertainment at the Port Office Hotel. It was the first Steak and Shiraz lunch of the year and continues a fine relationship between Queensland’s premier not-for-profit sporting organisations, the Bulls Masters and Vintage Reds.
Larry Cassidy thrilled the audience with tales of Winx and Sunline. Then a very special guest joined us to talk about the war… Mick Ware is the ultimate war correspondent, having been to the front-line in Iraq, Afganistan and even Ukraine. He’s stared death in the eyes and lived to tell the tale and everyone was transfixed on his every word.

The afternoon continued with former Wallaby hooker, Tom Lawton, and the fastest bowler is the history of cricket, Jeff Thomson. It was an irreverant discussion of their careers that bought much laughter.
A big thanks must go to all of the people who attended this lunch, including our valued members and sponsors. All money raised will go towards the Vintage Reds and Bulls Masters development programs.

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