Do You Need Heart Defibrillators?

April 27 2022

The Bulls Masters suffered tragedy in February of 2022 when we flew Australian Cricket legend, Rod Marsh up to Bundaberg to be part of our tour. He was going to play in our golf day, speak at our sportsman’s dinner and catch up with many of his good friends. Tragically, Rod had a heart attack shortly after being picked up from the Bundaberg airport. He was rushed to the hospital, but never fully recovered and died on the 4th of March. The 4th of March is also the date that Shane Warne died of a heart attack. A heart defibrillator may have been able to save the lives of both Rod and Shane. The Bulls Masters have partnered with Heart 180 to promote the distribution of defibs. Many of us don’t think it’s relevant to us until we are in the situation, wishing we had prepared for the worst. Go to to learn more

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