The Bulls Masters and Queensland Cricket teamed up for another all-female development clinic, this time in Cairns. The clinic was organised by passionate Queensland Cricket Coach and Talent Development Manager for the North of the state, Tony Hampson and his wonderful team.
The Bulls Masters provided coaches to assist the elite development of our Regional cricketers in the North Queensland region. There were over 35 girls and women who attended with former Brisbane Heat assistant coach, Gavin Fitness joined by current Brisbane Heat and Fire players, Georgia Voll and Caitlin Mair to provide expert guidance.

The Women’s game is a strength in Queensland with the state enjoying great success in recent years with back to back Big Bash championships and a maiden WNCL title in 2021. Regional women are playing a major role the ascension of Queensland as a power in Australian Cricket. Opening bowler, Courtney Sippel is from Redgate, near Kingaroy, Bonnie Berry from Emerald, Lucy Hamilton is from Bundaberg, Jess Jonassen is from Rockhampton, Sianna Ginger from Townsville, Ellie Johnstone is from Kaimkillenbun, Kira Holmes from Allora and Far North look to have an emerging star coming through the ranks with Amy Hunter too.
The Bulls Masters are immensely proud of the Regional Queensland representation which proves that talent is being identified and nurtured from all zones of Queensland.

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